Just like the tide rises, and subsides, so does a New Day, and a New Year begin.
There can be so much hype, about the end of a year, and the beginning of a new one - the shops have another excuse to push for sales, party planners another excuse or reason to gather and celebrate, with the question in the air "What are you doing for New Years?'
To be honest, I personally, was very ready to let 2018 finish - with all its exciting and sometimes painful changes, and was excited for 2019 to begin - with all its fresh hopes, and juicy anticipation of the reveal of the next steps in LIFE's journey.
I felt rather 'hyped up', ready for it to all happen...... and yet, it is a seamless thing that happens, like a gentle tide rising and subsiding. Something we can quietly trust will happen, while we have this gift of time.
The night ends, and the new day begins, the clock ticks over and its midnight, suddenly its the NEW YEAR, yet, if it wasn't for the distant sounds of fire works, or if we didn't look at the clock and see, it is something that just simply happens, and here we are, 2019.
What do You have in mind for YOU? Do you have New Goals? New Year Resolutions?
Or is it simply, a continuation and readiness for the next level of living your full life?
In the past, I have been one to make New Year Resolutions.... and yet, they don't stick, they have usually been quite overzealous....
Then I had some success with making New Year Goals, writing them down, on New Years Eve, for various aspects of my life, and with these, I had various successes, exciting that I could very studiously write down lists, work on things in that list, and then tick them off, as I achieved them.
This worked for me, for a couple of years, and that has led me closer to the NOW of living 'MY FULL LIFE'.
This was also quite exhausting, and encouraged me to be too much in my head, which, my experience with depression, taught me, that it simply isn't the way for me.
So now, New Years for me, feels like a loving goodbye to the finished year, and a warm open welcome to the New Year. A readiness to embrace all its possibilities.
Sure, we still need some plans and goals in our life, so that we don't lose ourselves, and simply get swept up with whatever comes our way..... but now for me its more of an open Spirit plan, that still allows flexibility and flow, with what the Universe has designed, so as we reach for the stars, we continue to grow and evolve.
My Full Life, and My Authentic Life, as I call it, and think of it, has been the next level of freeing my soul, My Deeper Self, and finding the true freedom, in the Spirit of Being.
I absolutely love it!
Sounds wonderful, doesn't it?!
Don't forget, such utopia, doesn't come without labour and birthing pains, some of which last for years. It even means we say painful goodbyes to toxic relationships.
In fact, we say goodbye to all forms of toxicity, which, to put it bluntly, is what I call the 'NO MORE BULLSHIT!' rule.
Now in my early 40's, I have navigated through too much darkness of depression, and have had to redesign my lifestyle one too many times, to pretend, that certain things don't matter, or that I can 'overlook' what doesn't sit right with me and my values.
There is no compromise, when it comes to our Authenticity.
It either feels like its Authentic to us and our being, or it doesn't.
So now, if it feels fake, toxic, or simply like 'Bullshit', then I choose to say NO, and say YES to my AUTHENTICITY, that is as a shining light, revealing more and more golden tickets to true freedom of Spirit.
The very act of doing art, has taught me many things, even something as simple as turning the paper around and viewing the painting from a different angle, can mean all the difference. It can be the way to find, the right way up, and to see what really is. To find what the painting really is about.
It can be the same in our life.
To get a different perspective, and to find our true authentic value, we need to 'turn our paper around' and see things from a different angle, so we can change old thought patterns and see our life through fresh eyes.
This can be quite confronting, and we can get caught up in old fears and tears...... but we can also choose to take a forward step, and press through, finding triumph over the old fears and discovering new sacred ground.
Doing something visual and physical, such as any kind of art, can have deep and profound effects on us, and our self discovery / self evolvement journey. It can reveal wonderful things from our subconscious, or our unrecognised creative department that will show to us something our soul or deeper self is hungry for.......
Already, it's nearing the middle of January 2019..... if you made New Year Resolutions, how are they going? How's your New Year feeling?
What is it that teaches you wisdom in life? Do you have a physical activity that teaches you lessons while in the process?
Are you curious to discover more of YOU, by doing some ART WORKSHOPS or ART PLAY?
I would love to hear from you, if there is something specific you are interested in....
please email me bebbiesmythestudio@gmail.com and lets chat.
Alternatively, watch this space, watch my Facebook/Instagram and Website for what Art Workshops or Art Play, I will be offering in this New Year.
Love and light to you from me