It's early December, 2018,...... Soon to be Christmas.......
This time of year can be a very frenetic time for us.......especially if we allow the energy in the commercialised world to affect us.
It can be the 'Oh my, hasn't Christmas come around quickly again this year?!!!' and 'how am I going to pay for it??!!'
Or, better yet, it can be a time for reflection.......when we disallow the commercialised energy into our space.
Reflection on how this year has been for us, and self reflection on 'how have I reacted, and grown in this year?'
This year has been a massive year for me personally.
Upon reflection of 2018, I see that some pretty big and integral things have happened, to shift and shape my life differently, personally and professionally.
As a result I will never be the same again.
For each of these things, I feel gratitude and peace.
* March 1 - First ever Art Exhibition,
'The Journey Back To Me' Was a huge success, thank you to each and every one of you that made it so. This was a huge coming out for me, and saying out loud into the Universe "I am an Artist, and I am going to answer the call to my Inner Artist. I am listening, and I choose to create".
* March 12th -First ever seizures, followed by First ever ambulance ride, first ever, CT, EEG, & MRI. First ever time, of not being allowed to drive, and First ever time of being on anti-convulsant medication. (Thankfully, medication seems to be holding me and I haven't had any more seizures.)
* June 30, Saying goodbye to a 25 year old friendship, consciously making a decision to say goodbye, as the friendship seemed to have come to the end of itself and processing the grief and freedom connected with that.
I am now empowered, choosing my Values, choosing my Happiness, and choosing my Joy.
* All year, from late 2017, right through 2018, Enjoying the growth, from stepping out of all my comfort zones, making big decisions & allowing space for beautiful new connections and deeper friendships.
* October, after 'coming out' as an artist, earlier in the year, I was invited to be a guest speaker, to an amazing group of women, speaking about my journey as an artist, the use and effect of colour and the intuitive process in my artworks. This was an incredible experience and has opened me up to some amazing new connections and friendships, and it feels like there will be some incredible collaborations as a result in the future.
I look forward to sharing more of my intuitive processes with you as we grow together.
*October/November, I had a wonderful Website Unicorn, create a Website for me, and launched well before December! This has been another empowering experience and a dream come true, that is my commitment, to keep me answering the voice that is urging me to paint, create and allow the vulnerability. A place where I can share with you, my creations, connect with you, through art and all that it can bring us through.
What are your reflections of your year? How have you grown? What have you experienced? What are your intentions and hopes for 2019?
Thank you 2018, for all that you have shown me, the true colours of the future, and a glimpse of the Visionary 2019.
Join me, watch this space, and lets see what 2019 can bring us, show us and teach us together.
Look out, there could be some exciting Mindful Art Workshops on their way to you, and you could be exploring some self discovery through Art in 2019......
My favourite hashtag #whereeverythingbecomesart encourages us to see the art and artist in our everyday, even the mundane, can become a beautiful work of art, that is called 'Our Life'.
Have a wonderful and safe Christmas full of sacred love and freedom,
I look forward to our next creative connection
Looking forward to your workshops 😊